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Oxygen sensors

We differentiate between two typical oxygen measuring systems:

  • Inline Oxygen Measuring
  • Extractive Oxygen Measuring

Sensors, which extend into the process, are called inline sensors.

Sensors, which require measuring gas to be taken from the process, are called extractive sensors.

In order to account for the manifold measuring requirements and conditions at the measuring locations, our many years of experience have led us to develop a number of versions of oxygen sensors and electronic measuring devices.

Oxygen sensor A19-N

The sensor is built into a stainless steel body, which has an aluminium housing with plug connection serving as the connection head.

In principle the sensor can be mounted in any position. However, we recommend assemblies with the connection head positioned at the top. The connection head has a multi-pin plug, to which the connecting cable leading to the converter module is attached.

The sensor requires a series U or Z supply unit in order to function.
Please refer to the unit's operating instructions for additional information.


Technical data A19-N

Measuring range

100 % up to 10 exp. -31 bar O2

Ambient temperature

-10 to 80 degrees Celsius

Max. sample gas temperature

200 degrees Celsius

Measuring accuracy

plus/minus 1 mV of the sensor's EMK

Sensor heating-up time

ca. 5 minutes

Measuring speed

ca. 2 seconds


ca. 1 kg

Connection head dimensions

Diameter ca. 70 mm, height 75 mm incl. plug

Mounting depth

30 mm,
diameter 20 mm

Screw-in thread

M27x2 mm (alternative M4 = special designs A19-S)

 A19 Manual (PDF)

Oxygen sensor A19-P

Extractive oxygen sensors for stationary use can be easily adapted to the method. Zirconium oxide as measuring principle allows an universal use. Bodies of stainless steel and aluminium top join industry standard and insensitivity.

At sensor A15 the measuring gases are withdrawn from the test area and passed through the sensor.

These sensors have to be connected with a measuring module or a supply module.

Technical data A19-P

Incorporation position No limitation  
Gas entry G 3/8 inch  
Gas exit G 1/4 inch  
Measuring principle Zirconium oxide  
Gas flow 50 to 80 l/h. The flow is generated by overpressure of unit or by differential pressure of unit or by pump.  
Condensate protection For the attachment of the gas pipes an inclination of the pipes away  from the sensor is important so that the condensate which optionally crops up cannot flow into the sensor.  
Electrical connection Within the connection top there is a multipole plug at which the connecting cable to the transformer module or the measuring module is connected.  
Material connection top Aluminium housing
Material sensor part Stainless steel V2A  
Heating About 500 degrees by connection to the measuring module of series ‘Z’ or ‘U’.  

A19 Manual (PDF)



Oxygen sensor A15-N

Technical Data A15-N

Measuring range 100% bis 10 Exp. -31 bar O2
Ambient temperature -10 bis 70 Grad Celsius
Measuring accuracy plus/minus 1 mV der Sensor EMK
Heating-up time of the sensor ca. 5 minutes 
Measuring speed ca. 2 seconds
Weight ca. 2 kg
Connection head dimensions HxWxD 80x120x120 mm
Sensor dimensions height 70 mm,
diameter 50 mm
Screw-in for gas way in 3/8 Zoll G
Screw-in for gas way out1/4 Zoll G

Oxygen sensor CMM / CSM

C-Sensor serie

Inline oxygen sensors directly measure in the high temperature process. Zirconium oxide as measuring principle allows an excellent interpretation for heat treatments, especially in the field of oxidation, reduction and carburizing. Highly alloyed stainless steel and special ceramics guarantee long-term stability and corrosion control.

The oxygen sensor of the CM type series has been developed especially for inline measurement at gas carburizing.

As external protecting tube for the standard version a steel 1.4841 is used. Special alloys if desired are available. Operational temperatures of 700 to 1.000 degrees are covered.

The CSM type series has been developed especially for inline measurement in oxidizing and reductive atmospheres.

As external protecting tube in the standard version a ceramic material of aluminium oxide with an internal electrode of platinum is used.

A special use at high temperature carburizing is intended.

Operational temperatures of 700 to 1.400 degrees are covered.

Technical data C-Sensor range

Sauerstoffsensor CMM

Type Installation length Protecting tube
CMM-700S 700 mm 1.4841
CMM-900S 900 mm 1.4841
CSM-700S 700 mm Ceramic
CSM-900S 900 mm Ceramic

 C-Sensor Manual (PDF)